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Week End

It's the end of the week and a few things have happened.

Static Ultra Concluded... for Now

This week I published Static Ultra 1.1.0. It includes an overhaul of the code, a few fixes, and a new extension system so people can expand its capabilities.

Alongside the 1.1.0 release, Disqus and GoatCounter extensions have been released so people can add comments and analytics to their Static Ultra powered sites.

I've made a Proboards forum called Blehblehbleh for people to share and obtain Static Ultra themes and extensions. Right now there are just copies of the official extensions on there, but hey who knows.

I've advertised Static Ultra on the Neocities Reddit. It's been given some upvotes and a little positive feedback, so that's nice!

Static Ultra is now doing everything it was initially designed to do. While I enjoyed development, I'll be moving onto a new project for a while for a change of pace. Although I did very much enjoy making Static Ultra! I do have ideas for updates, and will return to it in the future.

Pokemon Stadium

I tried the Nintendo Switch Online version of Pokemon Stadium. The emulation seems pretty perfect to me, no weird glitches or messed up textures etc. SUCH a shame you can't connect Red/Blue/Yellow in any way. Unfortunately I got bored because of this, the game feels like a shell of its former self. Hopefully Red/Blue/Yellow will be available on Switch sometime soon and able to connect with Stadium. I believe unofficial emulators are able to connect with Game Boy roms, so there's no excuse. xD

Star Trek: Picard

I mentioned in my previous entry I've been enjoying Star Trek: Picard. Episode 9 this week was also awesome and I'm just sad there's only one more left. xD Watching Picard made me rewatch The Best of Both Worlds (the two parter where Picard becomes Locutus) over the weekend and enjoyed it very much.

That's all

The end of week-end.