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Tutorial Success, Super Deb, Cats

This be a generic blog entry just sorta summarizing what's been going on around here lately, and what's happening next.

PHP Tutorial Success (?)

I very recently published a tutorial on how to make PHP/SQL widgets for your Neocities website, all for free. I advertised it on the Neocities Reddit, and it got a fair amount of upvotes and some positive feedback. Lots of people visited the tutorial and cast their vote in the example poll (surprise: Homer Simpson is the most popular Simpsons character by far lol).

It's a freaking miracle, something I did wasn't completely ignored by the universe, hooray! So that's nice. I might do some more tutorials in the future.

Super Deb

I am now fully (well, in my spare time) back to working on Super Deb. If you don't know, Super Deb is a 2D side scrolling game written in JavaScript.

This weekend just gone I reworked one of the power ups. I had an issue with it where you're heading towards blocks you can shoot, and it was extremely difficult if you were like, shooting a line of blocks, then to align yourself with the gap you created by destroying them. Initially I solved this by having Super Deb sort of warp a little so she was aligned vertically with the nearest row. But it sorta just didn't look right, so now I simply have the bullet collision more taller, so if you're not quite aligned, you'll destroy two blocks vertically, meaning it's aaaaaaaalright.

The todo list isn't looking too giant for Super Deb. I reckin a month or two (again, spare time project) I'll be able to publish it.

Cat Website

The other day I said to myself, as a joke, "maybe I should make a cat website". Then I paused for a second, and said, with some enthusiasm, "maybe I SHOULD make a cat website!".

Cats are awesome, and I'd definitely like to make a website about cats.

Some ideas and thoughts:

  • Cat videos*
  • Cat pics*
  • Cat memes*
  • Cat facts
  • Cat jokes
  • Cat guides - looking after cats
  • Famous Cats
  • Cat polls
  • Cat personality tests
  • It is okay to sing to cats

*with appropriate link back and credit of OG publisher/author

So yeah that's probs my next project after Super Deb.

