Happy New... Ah Forget It
Monday, 15th January 2024
Warning: This is a very boring, general status update blog entry. If you'd rather do something else, why not play my 🎲 Dice Poker game. :D
It's a bit late for a Happy New Year I think. xD But I thought regardless I'd just do a quick blog entry for the purposes of showing this site isn't dead, and just posting about what's going on around here.
So, since my last blog entry I've been doing a couple things.
Command & Conquer 3 Walkthrough
Over Christmas I decided to just do exactly what I felt like, and that ended up being continuing a video walkthrough I'm making for Command & Conquer 3 on Hard mode. This project is a pure act of fun. I'm creating it under the assumption hardly anyone will view it and I'm just doing it because I love the Command & Conquer Tiberium trio of games (and Red Alert), and I just enjoy making the walkthrough.
That saiiiid, a few people have subscribed, hit the like button and left a comment here and there. So I guess there are still fans our there of this gazillion years old game lol.
I've replayed these missions so, so many times I have a lot of experience with them, so I hope that my videos might help others out if they're stuck.
The videos have text commentary, since I always feel like a complete wally when I attempt to talk on a microphone.
Last night I published the last of the Nod Campaign videos, the GDI ones were already done, so all that's left is the final Scrin campaign, which is just a few missions.
NGL, sometimes when I add a quick feature to this site, such as the Wonder Flower on the bottom-right, or the now-disabled Christmas Cloud, I tend to focus on just getting it done, working and bug-free, rather than it being the most organised.
As such, over the weekend just gone by, I spent some time turning the Prism Syntax highlighter, Wonder Flower and Christmas Cloud thingies into Static Ultra extensions. The Prism extension is now available for Static Ultra users to add to their own sites.
This makes them easier to disable/enable, more modular, and took a load of somewhat out-of-place code out of my site.js.
I've also added links to various sites I use to the main menu under "Socials". Which reminds me, I've only done that on my main theme, and I should really turn that into a Static Ultra re-usable HTML block, so I can use it on all my themes and only have to update it once if I make a change.
What's Next?
Well, my C&C3 walkthrough is close to being finished, so I think I'm gonna wrap that.
There's a little organising I'd like to do on my site's theme, in that I'd like to re-arrange a bit what my site.css and my theme.css are responsible for. site.css should be for laying out stuff that exists regardless of theme, such as the project and blog listings. theme.css should be for everything to do with the theme itself.
I also plan to return to developing Superdeb so it actually gets published this year.
Well that's pretty much the situation around here. Ah stuff it, it may be a bit late but, Happy New Year!
Additional: I am terrible at writing the date correctly at the best of times, and now I have to remember to write 2024. D: