What to Do if You Learn Your Friend Is a Robot
Monday, 23rd December 2024
It's 2024 going on 2025, and with AI and automation on the rise, I decided to do my bit with this article.
So, today I'd like to give some advice on what to do if you learn that your friend is a robot, and they either don't realise they are a robot or are in denial about being a robot
As a note, the more specific term for a humanoid robot is android, but we'll go with robot for the rest of this post.
1. Remember, they are still your friend
Just because your pal's emotions and decision making processes are digital, doesn't make them any less real. Same goes for any adventures or good times you've had with them. There is no need to end the friendship or think any less of them.
2. Stay away from magnets
When you're with your pal, you might want to keep them away from places where there are a lot of magnets, especially if they don't realise they are a robot or are in denial about it. One place people often forget is the refrigerator. There can be a lot of magnets there. So watch out for that.
3. Don't tell them
The worst thing you could do is tell them. I mean they've likely built up a whole story and persona in their digital mind about their past, parents, home town and goodness knows else. It could be quite devastating to tell them. They may even overload or shut down trying to deal with it.
4. Don't expect more of them
Don't expect them to be super strong or super smart. Due to them forgetting or being in denial about the situation, it's likely their programming has accommodated for the new human psyche and introduced a level of errors that seems human-like. And if you push them too far they may begin to suspect you think they are a robot, triggering the issues in advice #3 above.
5. Don't try to use them for backing up your data
Pointing your phone at your friend and trying to upload photos or other data to them is not only rude, but it may trigger them suspecting you know. So just don't do it and stick to USB drives or whatever.
Consider this possibility: WARNING: Alarming content
The following information may be life changing, so be sure to adequately brace yourself.
Click to reveal...
Consider that maybe... YOU are also a robot
Think about it... how did you even realise your friend was a robot?
Did you notice your friend acting strangely... OR did you pick up on their bluetooth signal?
Have a good think about your past. Did it all really happen? Does it all add up? Only you know for sure.
If you ARE a robot, like I said above don't worry. Your emotions and decision making are just as real as anyone else's, digital or not. So don't let it spoil anything, and I suggest you continue to let your friend live happily with the illusion.
Well I hope I've helped someone out there who may have encountered this modern, 2024 problem in their lives. If you have any other advice or ideas be sure to leave them in the comments.
It's December 23rd, so if I don't post again before 2025, Merry Christmas!