The Cat and The Pea
Once upon a time there was a Cat. And Someone said to her, "yo, Socks, do you want this pea?".
" thanks", said Socks.
"So what shall I do with it then?", asked Someone.
"I have an idea for a laugh", replied Socks. "Put it under these blankets, and then I'll sleep on the blankets, and then when I wake up we can see the pea all flat, like a square shape!"
"LOL, good idea", said Someone.
And our two heroes were as good as their word. Someone put the pea under the blankets, and Socks proceeded to have a long nap.
When she awoke, she called out to Someone, and they both looked for the square shaped pea.
Only, they were startled by the pea being completely in-tact, no changes.
"Blimey!", said Socks.
"Aye", said Someone.
The end.
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