Crusha Cats Ad

Add milk or we'll Crusha

Original Credits:

Cats found: Video on Dave Trott's Channel (YouTube)

Video Creator: Joel Veitch (Wikipedia)

Probably owned by: Crusha Milkshake (Website)


I actually laughed out loud at that lol. xD Goodness.

Aaaanyway. This advert was for a brand of milkshake called Crusha. In the ad, a band of cats play music with various instruments, whilst giant bottles of milkshake crush cows and... at the end we're informed to add milk or the cats will crush us in a similar manner. Okaaaaaay haha. xD

Honestly I think this ad is brilliant.

According to our cat research team, this advert was released on British telly in 2003, and was created by a web animator called Joel Veitch. I found the video on a YouTube Channel called Dave Trott, I think he might have also been involved in the creation or publishing of the advert somehow, but I couldn't get any concrete clarification on that.

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Daily Cat #00010 posted Wednesday, 3rd July 2024

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