The Two Talking Cats

Cat pals having a good ol' natter

Original Publisher: TheCatsPyjaaaamas (YouTube Channel)

Today's cat is in fact TWO cats. Okay, I admit it I didn't consider that when I designed all this. Oh well!

Anyway, these cat's names are "Tina" and "Mossy".

Apparently, they ARE known to disagree with each other sometimes, but today they decided to get along and have a good old chat. It's good to see friendship wins out in the end.

If you're reading and haven't watched the video yet, watch it now! Their meows are very cute and you don't want to miss it.

Tina and Mossy look quite alike! But apparently they are not related.

It's quite rare to see cats talk this much!

Anywho, this concludes today's Daily Cats post. Be sure to tuna* in tomorrow for more Daily Cats. And if you're new here, go to the home page to view more Daily Cats right now!

*Yes that was deliberate

Cats posted Sunday, 23rd June 2024

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