The Traveling, Selfie Taking Cat!

We're talking about the LEFT cat...

Original Credits:

Cat found: Article on MustShareNews

Cat owner: Yorem Ahm (Instagram)

We did try to get an interview with the lion in the above picture as well, but he declined to comment unfortunately. Apparently he knows Mufasa from The Lion King as well, shoot.

But today's cat, Manny (left) is a super awesome cat. Originally a stray cat, living life on the streets.

But one day he decided to team up with a human named Yorem Ahm and travel the world, and he's never looked back.

Manny now spends his days sightseeing all around the world, taking selfies, and making many new animal friends along the way, like these guys:

Manny is a fun cat, and happy to be a little daft:

If you'd like to learn more about Manny, be sure to check the links in the Original Credit box above!

If you like to see other cats, visit the home page here on Daily Cats!

Another Daily Cat will of course be posted tomorrow, so be sure to bookmark (or follow scott2 on Neocities) if you'd like to keep up to date!

Cat posted Tuesday, 25th June 2024

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