Disqus Extension

Disqus is a service that provides a free comments system for your site. Disqus is widely recognised and used by a laaaaaaaaat of websites. Install this extension and you'll be able to make a comment thread anywhere on your website just by adding...

<div class="comments" data-thread-id="some-thread-id">&nbsp;</div>

...to any of your pages.


»»» Download «««

Install Instructions

If you haven't already, go to Disqus.com and create an account and site.

Download the Static Ultra Disqus extension using the link above.

Go to your site's root directory.

If you don't have an su-extensions folder, create one now.

Inside your su-extensions folder, create a disqus folder.

Upload or paste the contents of the downloaded disqus folder into your own disqus folder.

Open up your su-config.js.

Look for the this.EXTENSIONS block

If Disqus is your first extension, adjust it as follows:

this.EXTENSIONS = [ // Disqus { "id": "disqus", "classID": "Disqus", "files": [ "disqus.js", "extension.js" ] } ];

If Disqus is NOT your first extension, adjust it as follows:

this.EXTENSIONS = [ // SomeExistingExtension { "id": "whatever", "classID": "Whatever", "files": [ "extension.css", "extension.js" ] }, // Disqus { "id": "disqus", "classID": "Disqus", "files": [ "disqus.js", "extension.js" ] } ];

Go to the very very end of your su-config file, and add the following lines:


Replace YOURDIQUSID with your site's Disqus ID. You can get this by going to https://disqus.com/admin/ and hovering over "Your Sites" at the top left.

Replace YOURDOMAIN with your Neocities or other website address. e.g. mine says scott2.neocities.org.

Go to the top of your su-config.js, and increase this.SITE_VERSION.

Disqus is now installed, however you might want to make a thread one one of your pages...

Open up a page where you'd like to have some comments. Go to the spot where you want the comments to appear, and paste in the following:

<div class="comments" data-thread-id="SOME_THREAD_ID">&nbsp;</div>

Replace SOME_THREAD_ID with a unique identifier for the thread. For example if the thread is a discussion about cats, you use use "cat-chat" as the thread ID. Providing a thread ID is important because it means you can use the thread elsewhere, or if you change the URL.

And you're done! Good luck yo'.