Free Themes

A few free themes are available below.

You might be able to find more themes by searching social media using #StaticUltra or Google. But at the time of writing I don't think anyone has shared any. As time goes by who knows? xD

Installing Themes

Installing a theme is easy. Just copy the theme's folder into your su-themes folder, then open up your config and add it to the themes list. Let's say you've downloaded a theme with the name "cool-theme".

this.THEME_IDS = [ [ "default", "Static Ultra Default", true ], [ "cool-theme", "Cool Theme", true ] ];

Above, "cool-theme" is the theme folder name. "Cool Theme" is the display name which appears in the theme switcher dropdown menu. And the true/false value determines whether or not the theme appears in the dropdown menu at all!

If you want to make the new theme your site's default theme, you can adjust the THEME_DEFAULT_ID value in your su-config.js.

this.THEME_DEFAULT_ID = "cool-theme";

Okay, here's the themes

Static Ultra Default


Did you mess up the default Static Ultra theme? Well no worries, you can download it again! Also it makes this page look more full... The default theme is mobile friendly and has support for optional side-content, such as the Latest News and Useful Stuff HTML block on this website.

Dark Army


A theme that's dark and has an army vibe. I didn't design this one, I found it online and adapted it for Static Ultra. It's also mobile friendly and has an optional place for re-usable HTML Blocks.

Simple Green


A theme that's like, simple, and also green. This one is also mobile friendly and has an optional spot for re-usable HTML blocks dammit!!!