Beat the mission easily with this simple strategy! All Bonus Objectives and Intel done.
First we expand into the Western Scrin base by capturing their Refinery and building from there.
We then tech up, build a War Factories and a ton of Mammoths and several Juggernauts, and control the center of the map.
We strike the North West Scrin base, and then swiftly destroy the Scrin Control Center with the Juggernauts, disabling and defeating the Scrin.
All that's left now is Nod's base! Fortunately our other War Factorys have been busy building even more Mammoths! Converge all your forces on the hill below Nod's base, and strike!
This completes the mission once and for all, and we didn't even need a Super Weapon or any complex tactics.
I hope this helps someone out there complete the mission!