C&C3 Scrin Mission 04 Threshold 19 Hard 1.09

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Walkthrough. All Bonus Objectives, Intel.

The final mission of the main game!

This one CAN be really tough, but there's a way to make it much easier.

You've probably guessed by the thumbnail, it involves building a complete TON of Devastators!

So, first we build Devastators and Storm columns. For a while they defend the bases. We also purchase the Forcefield upgrade from the Tech Center. And we continually build Refineries to keep income up.

Once we have enough Devastators, we go and trash the GDI base.

By the time the final objective comes in, GDI's pretty much bit the dust. We build a mothership, and then grow old and tired waiting for it to slowly, very slowly move to the objective marker.

And that's it, mission accomplished!

I mention this in the video but a big thank you to anyone who has subscribed, liked or commented throughout the creation of this walkthrough! It means a lot! And it's really great to know there are still fans of this awesome game and series still out there.