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Millionth Site Revamp

I like to be able to update my layout/theme/template/menus without having to update every single page on the site. Over the last few years, and particularly, the last couple of weeks, I've been trying different ways of solving this problem.

I even released (and used for a good while) Static Ultra as one solution to this problem.

But, this last couple weeks I've been trying some different ideas, and I think I've now combined the best of the different approaches, and came up something which strikes a decent balance between features, ease of use, and flexibility.

I'm gonna roll with it for a while myself, continue to tweak it, test it and add features. But the plan is to make a new version of Static Ultra so other people can use it as well!

I still think the existing Static Ultra is really useful and it did me proud for a good year and a half-ish. But I think people are finding it too complex and too confusing. So I'm aiming to design Static Ultra 2 to be a lot easier to get going with out of the box.

Anyways that's about it for now. I'm not even starting actual proper dedicated development of Static Ultra 2 just yet, as I'm in the middle of another project, a web browser game called Bubble VS!