Chapter 17 Quiz

Question 1) Which of the following CSS properties is used to put a background image on an element?

a) background-url("a-background-image.jpg");
b) background-image("a-background-image.jpg");
c) background-picture: url("a-background-image.jpg");
d) background-image: url("a-background-image.jpg");

Question 2) How do I make the background only appear accross the top of an element?

a) background-type: horizontal;
b) background-h: true;
c) background-repeat: repeat-x;
d) background-repeat: repeat-h;

Question 3) How do I make the background repeat vertically accross the left hand side of an element?

a) background-left: all;
b) background-repeat: repeat-y;
c) background-repeat: repeat-v;
d) :'(

Question 4) And what is the purpose of the background-position property?

a) It's literally for positioning the background image on the element!
b) It's for something else you haven't covered yet, Scott >:|

In chapter 18 I show you how to completely warp your pages! Chapter 18 - Position with CSS