Chapter 24 Quiz

Question 1) What are the names of the two types of font?

a) Pointy and Non-Pointy
b) Serif and Sans-Serif
c) Fred and Bob
d) Type-1 and Type-2

Question 2) Which of the following is a correct way of setting the font?

a) font-family: 'times new roman';
b) font-family: times new roman, serif
c) font-face: times;
d) font-family: 'times new roman', serif

Question 3) Which of the following is a correct way of setting the font?

a) font-face: arial, sans-serif
b) font-face: arial;
c) font-family: arial, sans-serif
d) font-family: 'arial', sans-serif

Question 4) Who ya gonna call?

b) Huh?
c) Whoat?
d) Batman?

More on fonts in Chapter 25 - Setting the Font Size.