Chapter 8 Quiz

Question 1) Tables are for?

a) If you remind me about that one more time i'm gonna...
b) Tabular Information, I've got it already!
c) Sitting at with a nice cuppa and maybe some toast
d) Multiplying two numbers together

Question 2) The opening and closing tags for a table are:

a) <t> and </t>
b) <tm> and </tm>
c) <table> and </table>
d) <td> and </td>

Question 3) The opening and closing tags for a table row are:

a) <tr> and </tr>
b) <trow> and </trow>
c) <th> and </th>
d) <td> and </td>

Question 4) The opening and closing tags for a heading cell are?

a) <tr> and </tr>
b) <trow> and </trow>
c) <th> and </th>
d) <td> and </td>

Question 5) The opening and closing tags for a table cell are.

a) <tr> and </tr>
b) <trow> and </trow>
c) <th> and </th>
d) <td> and </td>

Quiz over? Next, we get a bit more graphic in Chapter 9 - The Image Is.