Chapter 7 Quiz

Question 1) How many different types of list are there in HTML?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

Question 2) The opening tag for an ordered list is:

a) <ol>
b) <ul>
c) <lo>
d) <lu>

Question 3) The opening tag for an unordered list is:

a) <ol>
b) <ul>
c) <lo>
d) <lu>

Question 4) List items are each wrapped in which of the following tags?

a) <il> and </il>
b) <l-i> and <l-i>
c) <item> and <item>
d) <li> and </li>

Question 5) True of false. With ordered lists, the HTML coder has to include the item number themselves.

a) True
b) False

Finished? Next, things square up a bit with the ground-breaking, seed-planting Chapter 8 - Tabular Information!